EVMC Meet Details


For more information about the meets for this year, including location and co-ordinators, please see the tables below.
And subscribe to the Events Calendar to make sure you have them in your diary!

Evening Meets 2025

April2ArmathwaiteChris King
April9Shepherd's CragBelinda Lloyd
April16King's MeaburnJonny Wilson
April23Carrock FellAlasdair Rutherford
April30Bramcrag QuarryAl Davis
May7Dalt QuarryEric Parker
May14Scawgill Bridge QuarryBen Heinrich
May21Giggleswick ScarGary Baum
May28Castle Rock (Thirlmere)Steve Goodwin
June4Shepherd's CragIsobel Taylor
June11Crag Lough/Peel CragBelinda Lloyd
June18Reecastle/Goats Crag, WatendlathRob Illingworth
June25SwindaleJane Meeks
July2Black CragJohn Howarth
July9Kirkstone ButtressJonny Wilson
July16Bramcrag QuarryAl Davis
July23Shepherd's CragHeather Guy
July30Trowbarrow QuarryRon Kenyon
August6Brough ScarChris Cunningham
August13Castle Rock (Thirlmere)Steve Goodwin
August20WindmoreJohn Bland
August27Scawgill Bridge QuarrySteve Hartley
September3ArmathwaiteAlasdair Rutherford
September10Coudy RocksRon Kenyon

Day Climbing Meets

Day Climbing Meets are normally planned for the first Sunday of the month but if the weather is more suitable on another day, they may change. Venues listed are a starting point but it is the meet coordinator’s prerogative to change venues to accommodate the weather etc

January5Alasdair Rutherford
February2Al Davis
March2Dana Bratu
April6Isobel TaylorLangdale
May4Ian PhilipsButtermere
June1Heather GuyPillar
July6John HowarthDuddon
Aug3John BlandNapes
Sept7Ron KenyonEsk Buttress
Oct5Belinda LloydBorrowdale
Nov2Rob Illingworth
Dec7Ron Kenyon

Scrambling Meets

Scrambling Meets are normally planned for the third Saturday of the month but if the weather is more suitable on another day, they may change. Venues are the meet coordinator’s prerogative with venues chosen to accommodate the weather etc

Jan18Belinda Lloyd
Feb15Gary Baum
March15Steve Goodwin
April19Rob Illingworth
May17Steve Goodwin
June21Soo Redshaw
July19Phil Blanshard
Aug16Rob Illingworth
Sept20Gary Baum
Oct18Belinda Lloyd
Nov15Steve Goodwin
Dec20Phil Blanshard

Walking Meets


This is the first year for a number of year that we have organised specific walking meets.  These will be on the second Saturday of each month.   Venues are the meet coordinator’s prerogative with venues chosen to accommodate the weather etc

Second Saturday of each month

January  11th                                      

This is the day of the Club Fell Race around Gowbarrow which starts at 12 noon  –  so look to have walk around Gowbarrow with lunch afterwards at Royal Hotel, Dockray at about 1.00pm.  Would be good to give hotel idea beforehand, on the day, of what you want to eat.

February 8th                                                                                    Mike Boswell

March 8th                                                                             Kitty Dennis

April 12th                                                                                                                    To be decided

May 10th                                                                                                                      Mike Boswell

June 14th                                                                                                                      Kitty Dennis

July 12th                                                                                                                        Chris and Ron Kenyon

August 9th                                                                                                                  Mike Boswell

September 13th or 14th *                                               Mike Boswell *Mickle Fell – Permit Required

October 11th                                                                       To be decided                            

November 8th    Remembrance Sunday                  Chris and Ron Kenyon

                Remembrance Services on Great Gable and Castle Crag

December 13th                                                                                                    Mike Boswell