EVMC Events Calendar
EVMC hold regular day and evening meets throughout the summer. You can filter events by day meets or by evening meets.
Evening meets are held on Wednesdays. Climbing meets will be normally held on the first Sunday in the month. Scrambling meets will normally be held on the third Saturday in the month. The venue will be decided by the meet leader according to the weather forecast. The meet leader will email venue and meeting place during the week before the meet. Please also check the Meets page for a summary view and more details on co-ordinators.
Evening meet – Scawgill Bridge Quarry
Bolt clipping on a sunny south-facing quarry. PDF guide to the crag on the EVMC and FRCC websites
Saturday scramble
Venue to be decided by meet organiser according to weather forecast.Saturday scramble
Venue to be decided by meet organiser according to weather forecast.Day Climbing meet
Kendal WallSaturday scramble
Venue to be decided by meet organiser according to weather forecast.Paul Pritchard Lecture
George Hotel, PenrithPaul Pritchard's lecture on his 30th anniversary ascent of Mount Asgard